Parfrey Place Medical Centre
Dr Vu Pham | Mon 8.30am – 4.30pm |
Dr Champa Wickramasinghe | Wed 9.30am – 3.30pm |
Dr Evangeline Marzan | Tues 9:00am – 4:30pm |
Dr Cherian Thomas | Mon 8.30am – 12.30pm |
Practice Manager | Danielle |
Practice Nurse |
Tendai Natsai Helen |
Receptionists |
Gayle Melanie |
Please ring 3341 2002 for an appointment. Every effort will be made to accommodate your preferred time and GP. Emergencies will always be given priority and our reception staff will attempt to contact you if there is any unforeseen delay or your GP has been called away. Longer consultation times are available, so please ask our receptionists if you require some extra time. If you or a family member, require an interpreter service, we can organise this for you. Please let us know when you make the appointment.
If you need to cancel your appointment when possible please give 24 hours’ notice, otherwise there may be a cancellation fee.
If you need care outside our normal opening hours, please phone our accredited deputising service, Hello Home Doctor on 134 100 or make an appointment via their app.
Home visits are available for regular patients of this practice whose condition prevents them from attending the surgery.
This is at the doctor’s discretion.
Telehealth is available for those patients unable to attend the practice. Please call the practice to make a Telehealth appointment.
Home visits, check-ups, family planning, Pap smears, pregnancy tests, ECG: heart check, counselling, vaccinations: children and travel, minor surgery: stitching cuts, removal of moles and sunspots, liquid nitrogen freezing therapy for sun spots and warts, nutritional advice, industrial medical advice and consultation, sports medicine, skin checks.
Matthew Bentley consults here every second Tuesday. If you need to make an appointment with Matthew please contact him on his mobile: 0423 356 420.
Dr Vu Pham has over twenty-five years experience in all aspects of general practice.
Dr Champa Wickramasinghe has over ten years’ experience in all aspects of general practice.
Dr Eve Marzan has special interests in women’s and children’s health, mental health, minor surgeries, and chronic disease management.
Dr Cherian Thomas has now been with us Twelve months and has come to us with a wealth of experience in all aspects of skin cancer care
We are a mixed billing practice.
All pensioners, concession card holders, Gold DVA card holders will continue to be bulk billed. Children under 16 will also be bulk billed. We will process your Medicare claim through our system.
Some medicals such as work medicals, commercial driving medicals will incur a fee and are not rebateable through Medicare.
Your doctor will advise when they expect the results to arrive at the practice.
Our nurses are available to give you your results however it is best practice that you make an appointment with your doctor to discuss your results. Please phone between 9.00am and 2.00pm to speak with the nurse.
If the doctor needs to see you for the results of a test, our nurse will phone you to make an appointment for you to see the doctor.
Results cannot be given to parents of children over 18 years old unless consent has been given by the patient. The same applies for partners, consent must be given by the patient to release information to their spouse/partner.
Our practice is committed to preventive care. Your doctor will seek your permission to be included on our reminder system. We may issue you with a reminder notice from time to time offering you preventive health services appropriate to your care. If you do not wish to be part of this system please let your doctor or reception know.
Your medical record is a confidential document. It is the policy of this practice to maintain security of personal health information at all times and to ensure that this information is only available to authorised members of staff. We abide by the ten National Privacy Principles available at
All reusable instruments used for procedures are sterilized in an autoclave under high temperature and pressure conditions to meet Australian Standards. Disposable equipment is also used and disposed of as per Australian Standards.
If you require a copy of your medical record sent to another practice you will need to sign a “Transfer of records” request at your new practice. We will then send a summary to that practice.
Our practice goes through the process of accreditation every 3 years. This is the process of measuring and ensuring quality against a set of guidelines set by our peers, the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners.
Accreditation is a sign of this practice’s ongoing commitment to Quality Patient Care.
Office of the Health Ombudsman 400 George Street BRISBANE Q 4001 Ph: 133OHO (133646)
How to find us

196 Parfrey Road,

07 3341 2002